Painful Intercourse And Female Sexual Health Specialist

Morris Ahdoot, MD
OBGYN located in Irvine, CA
Historically, female sexual health, including painful intercourse, hasn’t received nearly as much attention as men’s sexual health. Thanks to the efforts of gynecologists like Morris Ahdoot, MD, women are discovering that there are effective solutions for female intimacy issues. At his practice, Dr. Ahdoot helps women in Irvine, California enjoy healthy and active sex lives through innovative treatments and therapies. To learn more, call or use the online scheduling tool to book an appointment.
Painful Intercourse and Female Sexuality
What are the most common female sexual health issues?
Dr. Ahdoot believes that it’s crucial for women to understand that sexual health plays a vital role in their overall mental and physical well-being.
While much of the marketing you see is geared toward men’s sexual health, Dr. Ahdoot understands the importance of helping resolve women’s sexual health issues so they can enjoy active and healthy sex lives.
Female sexual health can be affected by numerous issues, including:
- Childbirth
- Menopause
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Medical conditions such as fibroids or polycystic ovary syndrome
- Cancer treatments
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
This list represents the most common complaints. You should see Dr. Ahdoot for any condition that may be interfering with your sexual health.
What causes painful intercourse?
One of the chief complaints among women when it comes to sexual health is painful intercourse. This unfortunate condition can be brought on by a host of physical conditions, with menopause leading the charge.
As you grow older and begin your journey through perimenopause and menopause, your reproductive hormones begin to drop dramatically, which can lead to:
- Thinning vaginal walls
- Loss of lubrication
- Reduced libido
But menopause isn’t the only culprit behind painful intercourse. Pain during sex can also stem from:
- Infection
- Previous surgeries
- Uterine fibroids
- Radiation treatments from cancer
In addition to the many physical reasons, mental issues can also play a significant role in your sexual health and bear investigating as a possible contributor to your painful intercourse.
What are the treatments for female sexual health issues?
Sexual health treatments vary, depending upon the source of the problem. After Dr. Ahdoot reviews your symptoms and medical history, he performs a physical exam to check for any problems.
If he finds a medical condition, such as uterine fibroids or pelvic inflammatory disease, his first order of business is to clear up your condition. If there’s no specific medical condition to address, Dr. Ahdoot has several effective treatment tools that improve your sexual health, including:
- Hormone replacement therapy
- FemTouch™laser therapy
- Lubrication techniques
- Vaginal exercises
- Topical estrogen creams
Don’t settle for painful intercourse and poor sexual health. Call Dr. Ahdoot’s office or use the online scheduler to book an appointment.
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